Summa Skool Series: #2 - Immune System Support

Here we go again...

Summa Skool Post #2

🙏Once again thank you to everyone for voting on these topics! Immune System Support came in second place on the poll and is such a great topic, especially this time of year as we move into the fall and winter months!

💪🏽💥Immune System Support💥💪🏽

Most of us who have a starter kit think🤔... immune support 👉🏼👉🏼 Thieves oil! Right?! Yes, #allthethieves please. So, if you have not heard the story of why you (and your family, friends and pets!) need Thieves oil and everything that contains Thieves oil, in your life…here’s the short version.

👩🏼‍🏫🌿When people were dying from the plague in the 15th century a band of robbers were stealing from the dead and dying and weren’t getting sick! When they finally were caught they were offered a lesser sentence if they shared why they were not afraid of touching the sick and dead people and how they were staying healthy. Turns out they were spice traders and were slathering themselves in a combination of Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Lemon and Rosemary. Gary Young, the founder of Young Living created this essential oil blend called Thieves and added Eucalyptus for its immune supporting properties.

😍Thieves is such a famous blend that other oil companies have even tried to copy it! Accept no imitation. I have even heard of a few people who went to the store and used store-bought oils (not pure, adulterated, and not for consumption) to try and make their own DIY Thieves. Don’t try and reinvent the wheel, YL has it mastered! Thieves is so powerful and works so well, there is an *entire line* of Thieves products from Young Living.

🍂These products are all infused with Thieves oil making it easy to support your immune system throughout the day and in all seasons. I mean we’re talking my *favorite* all-purpose household cleaner, toothpaste, mouthwash, dental floss, dish soap, laundry soap, cough drops, the best foaming hand soap EVER, wipes, mints, and even a hand purifier to name a few, all made with Thieves! Have a look and see:

If you have not made the swap and kicked some of the toxic chemicals out of your home consider this...🙈☠️Toxic chemicals and synthetic fragrances in traditional personal care products and home cleaning products cause cancer, disrupt our hormones and put stress on the immune system. It can be as easy as swapping out a few things a month and adding them to your YL order instead of buying them at Target or your local grocery store. Not only is it 🌱healthier, it is cheaper (especially if you are on Essential Rewards and getting an extra 25% back!💰 ), and it’s delivered to your door! 📦 👊🏼 I am a huge fan of shopping on line for as much as I can because it is so easy, and stores are crazy sometimes! 😉

🙌🏽Besides Thieves oil, there are several oils outside of the starter kit that I love for supporting our immune systems. Like supporting a healthy body with different varieties of foods, we also benefit from a variety of essential oils. I alternate with these especially throughout the fall and winter months and sometimes use a few of them together.

🍃🍋🌿💧Blends –

🌟Exodous II – This is my secret weapon for immunity in fall and winter and any time I want to kick my body into high gear/boost immunity. Gary Young said that he put a drop of this under his tongue daily for immune support, note **this is NOT a vitality oil and not recommended for internal use*** so you will not see this anywhere and don’t say I told you to 😉 but shoot, Gary was a rebel 🤛🏼and so am I, ha ha! Of course, you can diffuse Exodus II and rub it on the soles of your feet to keep healthy!

ImmuPower – This blend is STRONG and should be in everyone’s tool box! I dilute it with V-6 and put in a roller so we can roll it on the soles of the feet before we hop into bed or put on our socks and shoes.

🌲RC – RC stands for “Respiratory Comfort” so think all things lungs and sinuses. Plus, RC is wonderful for overall immune support. Also, there is a limited supply of this oil right now so you can only get ONE bottle per month, so we order it every month! Not running out of this in our house.

🍂 Raven – Another alternative to RC or can be used together to pack a punch for healthy breathing.

🍁 Breathe Again Roll-On – Respiratory and immune support on the go or ready to use because it has carrier oil already in it. My hubby rolls it under his nose and along his sinuses/cheeks before bedtime and I use it when we fly on planes, along with Thieves because eeww, recycled air is gross, right?!

🌱Melrose – I love this blend in the diffuser and use it for ears, nose and throat support. You can also put a drop or two with carrier oil on a cotton ball and place over the ear (NO OILS DROPPED DIRECTLY IN THE EARS). Rub it along the throat or behind ears with carrier or on the soles of the feet as a wonderful way to support the immune system too.

🌿💧Singles –

🌿Oregano – Used in the Raindrop Technique and a must-have for immune and digestive support

🌿Thyme – Also used in the Raindrop Technique and known to cleanse the receptor sites on the cells along with Oregano oil.

🌿Mountain Savory – Similar to Oregano, very strong, and revitalizing for the immune system.

Supplements -💊🌱👅

💪🏽Supplements are another wonderful way to support your immune system. We just don’t get enough of the nutrients we need in our food no matter how healthy we eat so it’s important to give our bodies extra love in the form of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants etc.

💁🏼‍♀️We know that the majority of or immune system lies in our small intestine or “gut” so probiotics and prebiotics are essential for a healthy functioning immune system.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Life 9 and MightyPro are staples in our house to keep our guts healthy. Plus, the gut is known as the “second brain” 🧠 because there are links between focus, concentration and memory and our gut health… just another reason to up your ante when it comes to supplements.

💥Inner Defense – You can make your own capsules with vitality oils and carrier oil if you are the DIY type OR you can let YL do it for you. This is a powerful blend of Thieves, Oregano, Thyme and Lemongrass already made into an easy to swallow soft gel. It is so strong that on the bottle it tells you to follow up with Life 9 Probiotics the next day after taking this to replenish the good bacteria. Wow, get some of both ASAP so you have them on hand!

🍄 😴 ImmuPro – Wolfberries, mushroom powders, orange oil, and melatonin make this a perfect combo for immune and sleep support. Paul and I each munch on one of these before bedtime when we want to sleep deep or after we’ve been travelling. They are sweet and a little chalky, but I like the taste. Take two for extra support or break in half for your kiddos.

❤️Ningxia Red – If you are not drinking Ningxia Red regularly yet, you are going to LOVE this addition to your daily routine! Ningxia wolfberries are the highest antioxidant food on the planet. 😮 End. Of. Story. You can get Ningxia in packets perfect 👌🏽 for when you’re on-the-go or in bottles so you can chug it down on the regular for energy💪🏽, eyesight👀 and 🏃🏼‍♀️immune support. Start with 1 oz a day and increase as your body needs or wants it. I’m up to 3-4 oz a day or more depending on our supply. 😉

🏃🏼‍♀️💧😴 🧘🏼‍♀️💜 Of course other immune support ideas are sleeping 8+ hours a night, drinking enough water, exercising, meditation and breathing exercises, laughter, fresh air, time with friends and family, chiropractic care, massage, acupuncture and lots of self-love and acceptance.

😊Always, listen to your body, go low and slow with your new oils and supplements, try one thing at a time consistently so you can see how it makes you feel, what time of day you like to use it and always be open to trying something new because our bodies are constantly changing.

🧚🏼‍♀️🧚🏼‍♀️🧚🏼‍♀️Tag a friend who might like some new immune system support ideas! 💡

Stay healthy my friends!

Love ❤️ 