Summa Skool Series: #1 - Emotions and Essential Oils

Here we go! This is the first post of a series of five posts (all will be called "Summa Skool" if you want to use the search bar 🔎 to see all the posts) based on what you guys voted to learn more about. I am excited to share this information with you!

✨My intention is for this to spark some ideas and inspiration in using the oils you already have, to support your health and wellness in new ways and explore new oils and YL products to provide a deeper level of support for those of you who are ready to take your wellness to the next level. Sound good? Okay, let’s begin! It is much more fun if this is interactive so comment below with what oils you are going to try based on what you read below. I hope this is as transformational for you as it has been for me. Get comfy and take your time really reading through to see what emotions resonate with you. Love you guys.

🔔🔔🔔Summa Skool Post #1🔔🔔🔔

Emotions & Oils

As you guys know, this subject is my jam! I love talking about emotions and oils because I have felt profound shifts in my frequency, energy and health and have seen huge shifts in those around me using oils for emotional health as well. Did you know that many of our physical issues are connected to unresolved feelings and emotions that have been stuffed away? Childhood issues, trauma, illness, injuries, and so much more of what we have experienced since we were born (and even when we were still in the womb) effect our state of health right now. What are you willing to let go of? If something is brought to the surface as you start to use oils or dive deeper into using them, take a look at it, feel it, work with your body, mind and spirit to release what is no longer serving you so you can be the best version of yourself. Using sea salt baths (or dips in the ocean), talking to a trusted friend or therapist, exercise, journal writing, and meditation can all help you process emotions and the patterns that created them as they come to the surface. Embrace the process.

When you smell a pure essential oil the tiny molecules of oil travel up to your limbic brain where the “seat of our emotions” lies. This emotional control center holds on to all of your past experiences and how they made you feel, many of which are subconscious. Just by diffusing oils and putting them on our bodies we can experience the benefits of an “emotional release” when we suddenly feel a shift in our energy, happy, sad or like laughing. Other times, it takes choosing the right oils for the specific emotions or pattern that created the emotion that you want to release and working with it. Mantras, intentions and prayer work very well with oils because of the high frequency that oils resonate at. Our bodies when healthy resonate at about 68 mHz and Rose oil, one of the highest frequency oils resonates at 320 mHz!

Below are a list of feelings/emotions and some of them have a “Probable Cause” “New thought Pattern” along with a list of recommended oils to use. If the new thought pattern resonates, use it, if not, make up your own. Use your intuition when choosing which oils to try. Try several different oils, get a sample from the friend who introduced you to oils or go over to their house (if possible) and smell the oils so you can pick what would work for you. Remember, if you love it or you hate it, your body needs it, that is an emotional response, so pay attention. As always, when using your Young Living oils, read the label if you want to see how the oil can be used, start out “low and slow” if you are new and most of all, use your intuition. Do you want to just drop it in your hands and breathe deep or do you want to apply it over your heart, belly, or on your feet? Maybe you want to diffuse it or ingest it if it is a vitality oil.

Thank you to all who chimed in about which emotions you wanted to learn about. Tag your friends in this group who you want to see this information too. Here they are! Enjoy!

😳ANXIETY – Not trusting the flow and process of life. “I love and approve of myself and I trust the process of life. I am safe.” Joy, Valor, Peace & Calming, Basil, Lavender, Coriander, Roman Chamomile, German Chamomile, Marjoram, Rosemary, Grapefruit.

😊CONFIDENCE – “I am fearless. I am brave. I am confident.” Believe, Clarity, Fennel, Live with Passion, Magnify Your Purpose, Oola Faith, Valor, Sandalwood.

FRUSTRATION – “I move beyond my limitations.” Lemon, Geranium, German Chamomile.

IMPATIENCE – “I am flexible.” Melrose, Ylang Ylang, Palmarosa, Tangerine, Patchouli, Frankincense, Orange, Bergamot, Lavender, Vetiver, Peace & Calming, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Melissa.

😣VICTIM – “I am real.” Peace & Calming, SARA, Trauma Life.

😥GRIEF – “Change brings growth.” “I am comforted. I am consoled. I am soothed.” Joy, Bergamot, Clary Sage, Forgiveness, Harmony, Acceptance, Hope, Inner Child, Present Time, Release, Transformation, White Angelica. Lungs can be restricted and suffocated by sadness so respiratory blends and single oils like RC, Raven, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Pine, Ravensara, Melaleuca, Rosemary, Lime, Copaiba and Cypress help us let go of grief by opening our lungs, invite individuals to let go (breathe out) and receive (breathe in).

TRANSITION/CHANGE – “I learn from all life’s experiences.” Present Time. Detoxification blends made from Clove, Rosemary, Grapefruit, Lime, Thyme, Nutmeg and Geranium oils used to cleanse the organs of the body are helpful during times of major transition and change.

😬STRESS - (PHYSICAL) “Life is fun.” Blends of these single oils, Eucalyptus Radiata, Basil, Cypress, Marjoram, Lavender, Peppermint, Ginger, Grapefruit help muscles release tension and support circulation helping the body and mind relax.

😨STRESS – (EMOTIONAL) “I understand.” Clarity and the warm vibration of using combinations of these mood support oils Lavender, Tangerine, Elemi, Lemon Myrtle, Melissa, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Neroli, Hyssop, Rose inspires us to feel happy.

😒INSECURITY – “I learn from all life’s experiences.” Acceptance, Cassia - The Oil of Self-Assurance, helps us let our light shine, Bergamot - The Oil of Self-Acceptance, helps with self-esteem and generating movement in our energy system and has a cleansing effect on stagnant feelings and limiting beliefs.

😑RESENTMENT – “I am wanted, lovable and whole.” “I love unconditionally. I choose to forgive. I am at peace.” Lemongrass – a powerful cleanser of toxic energy, helps us let go of what we no longer need, Geranium, Thyme, Ylang Ylang, Rose, Lavender, Jasmine, Melissa, Tangerine, Forgiveness, Harmony, Humility, Joy, Release, White Angelica.

😵IRRITABILITY – “Bliss runs through me.” Cinnamon Bark – helps us let go of control and allow others to be free, and oils for supporting balanced hormones like Clary Sage, Lavender, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Cedarwood, Palmarosa, Fennel, Orange, Dragon Time, and Lady Sclareol work as emotional stabilizers, bring out nurturing qualities, and help us have empathy for others.

😡ANGER – “My direction is clear.” “I am love. I am calm. I am forgiveness.” Purification, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Christmas Spirit, Forgiveness, Joy, Lavender, Myrrh, Orange, Peace & Calming, Release, Surrender, Tranquil, Trauma Life, Valor. Place oils over the liver or on liver Vita Flex points on hands or feet since anger is stored in the liver.

GUILT – “I learn from all of life’s experiences.” “I am forgiven. I am love. I have peace of mind.” Clarity, Acceptance, Cypress, Forgiveness, Frankincense, Gathering, Geranium, Gratitude, Harmony, Inspiration, Inner Child, Peace & Calming, Present Time, Release, Rose, Thyme, Valor, White Angelica, Pine – The Oil of Perfectionism supports those who feel they need to earn love and approval by trying to be perfect, or for those who feel guilty for making mistakes, even from childhood. Also, Bergamot, Lemon, and Peppermint.

WORRY – “I trust. I am steadfast. I have faith.” “I go to the depths.” Abundance, Bergamot, Envision, Oola Faith, Release, Ylang Ylang, Orange, Tangerine, Sandalwood.

😭SADNESS (also see Grief above) – “I see the humor in the situation.” Lemon, Joy, Basil, Spruce, Geranium, Peppermint.

PROTECTION (NOT HAVING) – “My spiritual connection protects me.” Thyme – The Oil of Releasing and Forgiving – cleansing for emotional body, brings old stagnant feelings to the surface. White Angelica, Sage, Palo Santo, Valor, Sacred Mountain, Idaho Balsam Fir.

HOPELESSNESS – “There is a way out.” “I trust. I have faith. I have hope. Awaken, Hope, Melissa, Joy, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Angelica, Myrrh, Helicrysum, Rose, Roman Chamomile, Juniper, Cedarwood, Christmas Spirit, Dream Catcher, Egyptian Gold, Gathering, Inspiration, Motivation, Transformation, White Angelica.

INSTABILITY – Spruce, Blue Tansy, Frankincense, White Fir, Cedarwood, Vetiver, Sandalwood, Valor, Idaho Blue Spruce, Idaho Balsam Fir, Brain Power. Think “tree oils” for when you want to feel grounded.

😥BETRAYAL – “I have the courage to accept the truth.” Forgiveness, Geranium, Rose, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Marjoram, Jasmine, Lime, Roman Chamomile, Sandalwood, Tangerine, Melissa. Combinations of these “Emotional Oils” support forgivness for ourselves and others, softening the heart and overcoming criticism and judgement of self and others.

😶UNWORTHY – “I open my heart.” Jasmine, Cassia, Bergamot, Pine, and combinations of the following “Weight Loss Oils” to support both physical and emotional patterns associated with feeling out of control, criticism and self-hatred, Grapefruit, Lemon, Cinnamon, Lime, Bergamot, Peppermint, Ginger, Basil. Weight Loss oils can support releasing heavy emotions which contribute to physical and emotional pounds and encourage feelings of self-worth.

I hope this is helpful for you. Please share if you have any experiences with using these oils for specific emotions. When we share it helps us process our emotions and facilitates letting go and it helps others.

📖 I put together this information from several sources that I recommend if you love this subject as much as I do. Conquering Toxic Emotions by Rhonda Favano, Emotional Healing with Essential Oils by Daniel Macdonald, Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils by Carolyn Mein, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay, and Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol K. Truman
