Recipe: Carrot, Celery, Ginger Juice with Lemon Vitality Essential Oil [Recipe]

Ah, fresh juice is such an incredible, refreshing, and cleansing summertime drink.

I love juicing because of its benefits and because my mom and her mom, my nana always made fresh juice from veggies and fruit in their gardens when I was growing up. Fresh juice is wonderful for liver detoxification, getting extra vitamins and minerals, helping the body to be more alkaline, increasing energy and boosting the immune system.

I love adding Lemon Vitality to my fresh juice because it also helps cleanse and detoxify the body along with supporting the immune system and healthy digestion. Lemon oil is cold pressed from the rind of the fruit and is nicknamed a “happy oil” because of its  uplifting properties, plus it tastes delicious.

Here’s a fun, easy recipe for Fresh Carrot, Celery, Ginger Juice with Lemon Vitality
- 6 carrots
- 3 stalks celery
- 2 apples
- 2 inch piece fresh ginger root
- 3 drops Lemon Vitality
- 3 ice cubes

Wash veggies, apples and ginger in Thieves Fruit & Veggie wash.

Cut off ends of veggies, slice apple and remove the core and seeds.

I use a Champion Juicer to juice everything. Add a few ice cubes to a wine glass with 1-3 drops Lemon Vitality oil, pour in fresh juice and enjoy.

Kelowna Giuliano