Summa Skool Series: #4 - Cleansing and Weight Management

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Summa Skool (Ya, it’s still summer 😊) 
Post #4

Cleansing and Weight Management

🙏Thank you again for voting for these topics! It is so fun to share info based what you guys requested to learn!

Let’s talk about the importance of cleansing. Our bodies accumulate toxins from food, air, water and even emotional and energetic toxins from trauma, people and negative environments. There are several different types of cleansing that target specific systems of the body and lots of simple ways to gently cleanse and detoxify the body without starving yourself. Extreme fasting and cleansing can do more harm than good if you are not careful. Being guided by a health care practitioner, doing some research or listening to your body will be helpful. Cleansing is not always done just to lose weight but as your body sheds toxins, it often lets go of whatever is no longer serving you which can be excess fat.

How would you know when to do a cleanse? Some people wait until they are having significant health issues before considering a cleanse and others do it regularly or periodically to maintain health and vitality. Liver health, maintaining a proper alkaline/acid balance and intestinal/gut health are a few key areas to focus on.

The liver is responsible for making proteins, making bile for proper digestion, detoxifying the body, breaking down insulin, hormones, medications and alcohol and removes germs, bacteria and poisons from the blood. Approximately one fourth of our total blood volume passes through our liver every minute! If you struggle with things like your weight, digestion, cholesterol, energy levels, getting sick often, blood pressure, hormones, skin, sleep, mental sluggishness, and fatigue to name a few, you may have a toxic liver.

To cleanse you could try something like eliminating one or more of certain foods from your diet like alcohol, chocolate, sugar, coffee, gluten, dairy, and/or meat and drink extra water, fresh fruit vegetable juice, herbal tea, and warm broth (make veggie soup with extra broth) and drink it between meals or instead of meals. I used to do a juice cleanse every spring and fall but now I just incorporate more juice in to my diet when I feel like I need it. Some people like to fast for a day from food or eat all raw for a few days or more as a cleanse. Some drink only fresh juice and water and/or the Master Cleanse which is fresh organic lemon, maple syrup, cayenne and water. I like to drink the Master Cleanse combo between meals because its cleansing and a wonderful way to stay hydrated. A cleanse could last a day or for 7-10 days or longer. Starting your day with lemon vitality, warm water and a 1/2 tsp of apple cider vinegar is another cleansing tip. If you want to follow a cleansing program for a specific system of your body you could look in your Desk Reference from or get the book, Inner Transformations Using Essential Oils by Dr. LeAnne and David Deardruff, DC. Otherwise just gently incorporating some of these into your regular eating and drinking habits will be very helpful. Please check with your health care professional before trying a cleanse.

💧💊Before, during or after a cleanse it is great to add oils and supplements to your regimen or maybe using them instead of a full or partial cleanse. Along with a healthy diet, plenty of pure water, regular exercise, self-care (meditation, breath work, taking baths, spending time in nature…) to maintain a healthy liver consider adding some of these oils and supplements to your healthy lifestyle:


GLF (Liver & Gallbladder Function), JuvaFlex Vitality, JuvaCleanse, Release, Celery Seed, Orange, Ledum, Lemon, Cardamom, Geranium, Carrot Seed, German Chamomile, Rosemary


🍷Ningxia Red – In China the wolfberry is used as a liver tonic and detoxifier

🍕Essentialzyme, Essentiazymes-4, Allerzyme, Detoxzyme or Mightyzyme (for kids)– Young Living has multiple enzyme options because they are essential to breaking down our food so we can properly digest it and absorb the nutrients our body needs from what we eat.

💚JuvaTone – A blend of herbs and oils to support a healthy liver

💘Longevity Softgels – blend of high antioxidant essential oils- Orange, Thyme, Clove & Frankincense

If the liver is not functioning well, our blood pH can be thrown off of its normal 7.4-7.6 balance and when we are too acidic, we create an environment that disease thrives in. Also, essential oils work better in an alkaline body.

👉To maintain the proper pH or alkaline/acid balance keeping our liver healthy with the above suggestions can help along with a healthy diet of alkaline producing foods, proper mineral balance, lowering stress and using probiotics can be helpful.

😱Mineral Essence – “You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” –Nobel Prize winner, Linus Pauling, PhD This combination of 60 different minerals are mixed with honey, royal jelly, and essential oils Lemon, Cinnamon Bark and Peppermint

✨😌Oils for stress – Lavender, Cedarwood, Roman Chamomile, Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Stress Away, Valor, Tranquil Roll-On, Peace & Calming, Harmony

🙌Life 9 Probiotics – This super high potency probiotic supports intestinal health, alkaline balance, immune health, and digestive support.

🚽🚽🚽To support digestion and intestinal health, cleansing as mentioned above, can be helpful in removing toxins and unwanted chemicals and there are some wonderful supplements and oils to facilitate this with or without making changes to your diet. Definitely increase your water intake when using essential oils and supplements to facilitate flushing toxins from your body.

🍋🍊Citrus oils are wonderful for cleansing and detoxifying our bodies, especially using vitality oils in our water, food, juice or capsules – Lemon, Grapefruit (fat absorbing), Citrus Fresh, Tangerine, Orange, Jade Lemon, Lemon Myrtle. Pro tip: a veggie capsule of 1-3 drops each Lemon, Peppermint and Grapefruit filled with carrier oil is a wonderful trio for anyone who is looking for energy and weight management.

💊Digest & Cleanse – if you don’t like filing your own capsules, YL does it for us! Peppermint, Caraway, Lemon, Ginger, Fennel and Anise are mixed with fractionated coconut oil in a softgel making it so easy to support your digestion.

Comfortone – This combination of herbs and essential oils assists in eliminating residue from your colon by promoting peristalsis (the wave like action of intestines that moves waste out of the body). These are very powerful and are meant to be used for 2 weeks at a time, then taking a break.

💩ICP – the joke around YL is I C POO 😉 because that’s what it does! If you have used Comfortone first and prepped your intestines by getting everything cleansed out and moving, this is the next step. ICP actually stands for Intestinal Cleanse Protocol. It is a powder to be mixed with water or juice. I mix it with an ounce or two of Ningxia and full glass of water. Drink lots of extra water throughout the day to assist in proper elimination. Some people lose weight from intestinal cleansing because our intestines can become super clogged up from what we eat, not enough water or exercise and other factors.

💜For weight loss I think it is huge to take a look at the emotional component of what you are “holding on to.” Take a look at the Summa Skool post on emotions to read more. Scroll down to the bottom under UNWORTHY

👙Also for supporting healthy weight, the cleansing info above and supplements for supporting healthy digestion and intestines is crutial. On top of all of that, Young Living has a whole Slique line of products that you could take all at once or just use some of them.

🍫Slique Bars - are delish and can be eaten as a snack by anyone who is working on weight management and also anyone in the family

☺️Slique CitraSlim – Comes in packets (like Master Formula) with liquid and powder capsules with essential oils, herbs and enzymes for supporting a healthy metabolism and weight management program.

🍹Slique Shake – Meal replacement, vegan, berry flavored, essential oil infused, vitamin, mineral and protein rich shake.

☕Slique Tea – Ocotea leaf, oolong, and cacao makes a yummy, slimming spice tea. Also contains frankincense powder, and vanilla essential oil. Super good iced or hot!

💧Slique Essence essential oil – Grapefruit, Tangerine, Spearmint, Lemon, Ocotea, and Stevia are combined for suppressing food cravings and support weight management.

(There is also a Slique gum but I’m not a big fan ha ha, just being honest 😜)

For those of you who made it this far….

Whatcha gonna try next after all of this info?

Stay healthy friends 
❤️ Kelowna